What are Market Insights: Definition, Examples and Types

What are Market Insights: Definition, Examples and Types

Want to learn about market insights? You are at the right place! As a beginner, there may be some confusion or myths about market insights. That’s why, we are determined to provide apt information on market insights and their types. 

Let's dive in with the basics: 


What are market insights? 

Think of market insights as the juicy details about what's happening in a particular market or industry. It's like having insider knowledge that helps businesses understand things like what customers want, what competitors are up to, and where the market is headed. These insights are super valuable because they guide companies in making smart decisions about products, marketing, and overall business strategy.


In theory, market insights are a deep understanding of a specific market or industry, gained through analyzing various data sources like market research, consumer behaviour, and competitor activities. These insights help businesses make informed decisions about products, marketing strategies, and overall business direction.

Also Read: What are Consumer Insights: Meaning, Examples and Scope


Market Insight Examples

  1. Smartphone Industry 

Let's say you're in the smartphone industry. After analysing customer feedback, you notice a growing trend where users are increasingly concerned about privacy and data security. This insight tells you that there's a market demand for smartphones with enhanced privacy features.

With this insight, you can then develop and market a new smartphone model that emphasizes its advanced privacy settings and robust security measures. By catering to this specific need identified in the market, you're more likely to attract customers who prioritize privacy, giving you a competitive edge in the industry.

  1. Food Delivery Industry

Imagine you're in the food delivery business. Through market research and analyzing customer behaviour, you discover that there's a rising demand for healthier food options among urban professionals who are health-conscious but often busy.

With this insight, you decide to expand your menu to include a variety of healthy meal choices, such as salads, grilled protein bowls, and smoothies. Additionally, you optimize your delivery service to ensure faster delivery times for these healthier options, targeting busy professionals who value convenience without compromising their health goals.

By tapping into this market insight and offering healthier alternatives, you attract a new segment of health-conscious customers and differentiate your food delivery service from competitors who may not be addressing this growing demand as effectively.

Types of Market Insights

Market insights can be categorised into several types based on the nature of the information and the perspective they offer. Here are some common types of market insights:


  1. Customer Insights: These insights are all about understanding your customers deeply. You want to know what they like, what they don't like, what problems they have, and how they make decisions. This helps you tailor your products, services, and marketing to better meet their needs.

  2. Competitive Insights: This involves keeping an eye on what your competitors are up to. You want to know what products they're launching, what prices they're setting, how they're marketing themselves, and anything else that might affect your business. This helps you stay ahead of the competition and find ways to differentiate yourself.

  3. Industry Trends: Every industry goes through changes over time, whether it's new technologies, shifting consumer preferences, or regulatory developments. By staying on top of these trends, you can anticipate where the market is headed and adapt your business accordingly.

  4. Market Segmentation Insights: Not all customers are the same. Market segmentation involves dividing your customers into groups based on things like demographics, interests, or buying behaviour. This helps you target your marketing efforts more effectively and tailor your products or services to different customer segments.

  5. Product Insights: You need to know how your products or services are performing in the market. Are customers happy with them? Are there any features they wish you had? Getting feedback on your products helps you make improvements and stay competitive.

  6. Brand Insights: Your brand is how customers see and feel about your company. Brand insights involve understanding what people think of your brand, how aware they are of it, and how loyal they are to it. This helps you build a strong brand identity and connect with your target audience.

  7. Market Opportunity Insights: Sometimes, there are gaps in the market or unmet needs that your business can address. Market opportunity insights involve identifying these opportunities for growth and figuring out how to capitalize on them. This could involve launching new products, entering new markets, or targeting new customer segments.


It must be noted that each type of market insight can be obtained from an array of procedures. Some utilize surveys and poll results, whereas others rely on interviews and focus groups. Nonetheless, it is a highly varying practice and can differ from industry to industry. Yet, there are standard procedures that are heavily reliant. 

Also Read: The Future of Market Research: AI & Advanced Analytics


What are Global Marketing Insights?

Global marketing insights are simply a deep understanding of international markets. They help businesses figure out things like what customers in different countries want, how they buy, and what the competition is like. These insights are crucial for companies looking to expand their reach beyond their home market and succeed on a global scale.


Global marketing insights are all about understanding how to market products or services on a worldwide scale. This involves considering things like:

Trends: What's popular or changing in different parts of the world?

Culture: How people's beliefs and customs affect their buying behaviour.

Competition: Who else is selling similar things and how they're doing it?

Rules and Laws: What regulations and policies do you need to follow in different countries?

Entering New Markets: Figuring out the best way to start selling in a new country.

Adapting to Local Differences: Make sure your marketing fits with each country's unique preferences and habits.

These insights help companies make smart decisions about how to sell their products or services globally. 


Wrapping it up

Growing your business on a global scale requires expert market research. An in-depth understanding of its procedures will lead you to a successful strategy and help to improve the overall business model. 

And here we call it a day, Thanks for being on Humann! If you have any queries related to market insights or any related topic, drop them in the comments and we shall get back to you! 

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